Thursday, March 13, 2014

Top Ten things to about RunDisney Races

RunDisney Races draw experienced athletes and beginners alike.  There is no doubt that the unique courses, the magical destinations, and the medals draw crowds several times per year.  Here are ten things to know about your racing experience!

1. Sign ups will sell out fast!  Challenges(two or more races of varying distances over several days resulting in an extra medal for completion) are especially quick to fill. The Glass Slipper Challenge sold out in just over 4 hours last year and the Dumbo Double Dare was faster than that.  Follow Run Disney on facebook or twitter to get a heads up and be prepared to pay the fee at time of purchase.

2. There are no longer and resort or ticket discounts for runners or their families.  It is true that there used to be, but this isn't the case any longer. 

3. Wear a costume - yes, you too, Men.  Not everyone does, but you'll stand out more NOT in a costume than you will IN a costume.  This is part of the fun!  I recommend having pieces that can be removed.  I ran the Princess Half as Snow White and had to lose my cape about mile 3.

4.  The entire weekend is full of hurry up and wait.  Hurry to the bus, wait to get on.  Hurry to the Expo, wait to get your packet.  Hurry to the Expo, wait in line to pay.  Hurry to the course (often at 3:30 am) and wait for your corral to start.

5. Prepare to walk quite a bit before you get to the start line.  Disney will provide some entertainment and water for quite a while prior to race start.  Then you'll walk, and walk, and walk to move to the starting area.  Some say it is several miles from resort room door to the start line, so plan on that. 

6. Don't use the first porta-potties you see.  There seem to always be more just around the corner.  It is worth looking for the next set.  They'll be less "used" and have shorter lines. 

7. The Expo is a lot of fun- plan to spend some time here.  It isn't as large as some other expos I've been to, but most of the booths are good stuff - including sparkle skirts.  Be sure to buy whatever race merchandise you're interested in when you see it. Items WILL sell out and there are unfortunately people who buy loads of things to sell on e-bay. 

8. Plan for humidity and hills.  For the Princess Half Marathon this year, the humidity was 99%.  I'm a drinker when I run and there wasn't enough water stops for me.  Be sure to carry drinks with you if you're someone who needs water more than every 2-3 miles.   For most, these are not the races to try for a PR because of the number of people and the terrain and characters on the course.

9.  Each corral gets its own start - fireworks, hoopla, etc.  If you have a proof of time that qualifies, submit it. You'll be happy to have the extra time for character photos along the course (many opportunities for photos!) and restroom stops.  Oh, and if you are doing a race that is primarily women, like the Princess Half, go ahead and use the men's restroom in Epcot and Magic Kingdom.  It's okay.  Trust me.

10. Be warned: It's addicting.  The day of the races, many Princesses were saying "NEVER again."  Less than 24 hours later, the same Princesses were signing up for other races.  I've done two now, ended up hurt and having surgery with the Glass Slipper Challenge I just finished (due to being far undertrained) and am already planning my next RunDisney event. 

One more note: There are themes for everyone!  Tower of Terror 10 miler is full of villans and is a night race.  Wine and Dine Half Marathon is also a night race that ends with an Epcot AfterParty (loved this race!).  The Tinkerbell and Princess races speak for themselves. The new Avengers race in Disneyland is sure to be amazing.  Expedition Everest Challenge is a team event with a scavenger type twist on a normal race.  This may be my next event. 

Happy Running!

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